Last saturday, went to church after a long time and guess what, i finally, accepted Jesus.. Wow! The experience was at first like mix of feeling and i couldn't really explain in words but I felt great after that.. In the past, i didn't believe in God but thanks to the wonderful friends i made in E316, who has helped me through..
Today, we celebrated Diana and Tze Hui's birthday and also brought my sis to church coz she wanted to see Nikki drama performance.. Nikki, your performance was awersome and i had a great time there..
Something has been bugging me since Lucas asked me that question and I felt that i needed to tell him but i don't know how to tell him.. i kind of like lied to Lucas that i told my parents abt me accepting Jesus but I have been feeling uneasy through out the whole day and I'm so sorry Lucas that i lied to you but i didnt know how to say it at that time..
Actually, to be honest, i not the type who will tell you my problems face to face coz... i don't know how to say it.. i prefer telling it thru smsing or msn..
I know that i just accepted Jesus and i should repend from my mistakes and i have been trying so hard to do it.. It's so hard but i'm still trying.. It's like so hard to tell the truth to someone you really care abt and I'm still trying and i will keep on trying but abt just now Lucas thingy, I didn't wanna say infront of Valerie.. I'm sorry Lucas.. I hope that you can forgive me..