My day, my bro and I went to 3 different temple which was located at Loyang.. The 3 different temple were a Chinese, a Malay and a Hindu temple.. We didn't had any reason why we wanted go.. After praying, i went to get the Chinese Zodiac and read about those who were born in the year of the dragon..
Year - 1988
Heavently Stem - Earth
This a a satistyinf year for people born in the year of a dragon. Life will be smooth sailing, result and achievements will be outstanding. There will be honourable people offering help periodically. The men will have everyhting on your way and also good year for a career development. However, this must be carried out out with detailed planning and not hurriedly to avoid ptifalls. Women are equally forturnate as your career will soar to greater heights. However, you must be watchful of your relationship with your male colleagues or else you may be edged out by them. This will in turn hapmer work progress.
This a fullfilling year with unexpected rewards. But be wary of unscrupulous characters creating trouble. They are the obstacles to your owrk advancement anf have to be dealt woth cautiously.
This a good year in terms of wealth accumulation as often, you will recieve unexpected monetary gains. Use your wealth wisely:only then will it multiply. Investment for the second half of the year will see rturns but do not hope for monetary luck.
This will a smooth and romantic year for you. For couples in love, this a good year to consider marriage. As for newly-weds, yo can expect a new addition to the family.
After I came home, went out with my sis and my bro to Peninsula.. There i bought a white skinny jeans.. I wanted to go Bugis coz I wanted to but the Little Miss thingy.. On the way to Bugis, saw Tzehui.. Reached Bugis station and i saw her infront of me.. Tapped her shoulder and chatted with her for a while.. Went to look for the Little Miss Late but they said that the stock will be coming next week which is this week.. Awww! We decided to walked around and my sis bought a red skinny jeans.. My bro was tired so we decided to head home..
2nd day - 13 October
Woke up early as I had to be at Lucas place by 11am.. I was meeting Cicil at Clementi station at 9:30am.. Reached there and I was a bit late but I reached was there first.. Cicil came like mintues later.. Went to find a photocopy shop but it was closed coz it was a public holiday.. Went back to the station and meet up with Marcus and Zac and went to Lucas place together..
Reached there and it started to drizzle.. Went to meeting room and Diana, Nikki, Dennis, Paul, Valerie, Yiling was there.. Went to help them decorate the place.. About 15 mins later, Micah, Meleah, Tzehui and Megan came.. They too, help out too.. About half an hour later, we started playing games, dressing up as Fantantic 4 and sang songs.. The lunch was delayed for like nearly half an hour and so played some games and took pics..

Lunch arrived and everyone was like so hungry.. Some even went for more than 1 round.. The food was great.. Half an hour later, went to Lucas house for cell grp meeting.. At 4pm, everything was over and we went down to the meeting room and help clean up.. After cleaning, some of them were going for service while others either head home and went out.. I went for service with Lucas, Cicil, Paul, Chritopher and Valerie.. After for like a long time, i was coming back for service and I'm glad I did went.. Pastor Kong speech was interesting and funny but there was one part where we all stand up and we closed our eyes.. He said that whoever had sins that they did in the past, put your hands up and i did.. Then he said, whoever did put their hands up, he would want us to come down to near the front of the stage and i didn't wanna go coz i was scared.. Cicil and Valerie said that they will accompany me and i was like 'phew'.. Went to near the front of the stage and they Pastor Kong prayed for us and i was like so touched that i cried.. Cicil and Valerie was there to comfort me..
After service was over, i felt great.. Cicil and I left first as Lucas wanted to talk to Valerie.. Cicil, asked me how i felt just now and i told her that it was a like mix of feelings which i can't explains in words but after that i felt great.. We hugged each other and said our goodbyes and went separate ways..
Reached home and around 11pm, valerie called me and told me that Lucas told her mum that I have finally accepted Jesus and i was like, "OMG!" I just couldn't believe it.. Valerie's mum talked to me and she said that she was very happy for me..
3rd day - 14 October
My bro was bored at home and wanted to go the green green grass which was at Raffles Place and juz sit there and enojy the atmosphere.. Since my sis didn't want to accompany him as she was still sleeping, I decided why not.. Spend about half an hour there taking pics and chatting and enjoying the atmosphere.. Here are only 2 pics..

4th day - 15 October
Science class has finished and I planned to meet up with Diana, Lucas and Nikki for dinner.. Swee couldn't make it.. Told my sis about it and she said that she will meet me after her class.. Reached the mrt station earlier than my sis so i thought of going first.. My mind was blanked and i didn't know which exit to take and when i came out, I walked here and there and i just couldn't find my way..
I called Diana and asked if she had reached and she said that she haven reached and asked me to call Lucas.. I called my sis and asked where she was and i told her that i couldn't find my way.. I made my way back to the station and met her there.. I smsed Lucas that i will a little late as i couldn't find my way.. Can you believe that I cant find Far East Plaza.. OMG!
Met my sis and we went there together.. Now, finally, i know how to go.. It's like i don't really shop at Far East and it's like after a long time going there and I kinda forgot my way there.. Haha.. Reached there and i called Lucas and he was walking around as he reached early.. Told him that I was at subway.. Diana also called me and she was reaching soon..
Had a great time when Lucas and my sis was talking most of the time.. Haha.. Lucas, really eats a lot and after eating, he was still hungry and Nikki eyes were like so shocked.. OMG!! After that, we walked around in Far East and then, we split up as Diana has work and Lucas has sch the next day.. Really hope to meet up more often with them..
I guess that will all..
Loads of Love