This pictures were taken before Mabel left. She was supposed to say overnight but last minute she had some problems and so she left..
When we came back to the chalet, I was pretty shocked to see Kat there and i told Mabel and she asked me whether i wanted to say hi. At first, i was reluctant but when Mabel when to say hi to her, i just followed. They went to gamble in the room while Mabel and i went to eat with Mazanah and her 2 kids and Masturah and friends were there too.
When we finished our food, we went to watched the 9pm chinese drama and we heard alot of shouting and laughing and cheering in the room. When the chinese drama ended, they ended their part 1 of their game and Grayson came out and told me and Mabel not to just sit around and come and play with us instead. I said ok but we were only there to see first only later than decide whether to play or not and he said ok.
Kat came out of the room looked at her watch and saw that it was already 10pm and said that she wanted to go home already coz the next day she was working early flight. Wendy from the kitchen said, you already won so much money then want to go home. Most of the runners didnt want to let her go coz she won most of their money and told her to play another round and she said ok and will played for another hour.
We went in and Kat told us that they were playing In Between and she asked me and Mabel whether we know how to play and i said no and she thought us how play. After a few rounds, we decided to play but me and Mabel decided to share. We played for an hour and most of the rounds me and Mabel were winning but we were winning small money.
At about 12 plus, Kat went home and the second round she did lose some money. Mabel also had to leave too. I decided to stay overnight as i already told my dad that i will be staying overnight and it would be kind of wired if i did went home at that timing. Some of the runners went out to buy more alcohol and when they came home, Sayang, Jacintha, Chu Heng, Grayson and me decided to play cards since the others were playing majong.
We went into the room and played Indian Poker and we didnt use money to play but use drinks instead. I tell you, Grayson was like drinking the most and some more his drink was Martell mix with Green Tea and after a while, you could like see his face were all red. I didnt felt anything any kick at all.
After that, Chu Heng and Jacintha wanted to buy some sweets and some other stuff from cheers and they left. Sayang and Grayson went to lie on the bed, and it was wasnt those single kind of bed. It was like those in the master bedroom. Each took the both corners and i was still eating the Hot & Spicy potato chips and i just sat down on the bed.
Sayang said, tash come and lie in the centre la. I share half pillow with Sayang and the half with Grayson. We were laying down and also chatting and Jian Kia (golden hair) keep on coming in and out into the room and it was super irritating. Then he came and lie on the bed with us so me and Sayang had to move in a little to give him some space. I tell you, it was so squeezing and we just couldnt move.
Less than 5 mins, he was out of the bed and said it was boring and went out of the room and Sayang and i move back to our normal space. 5 mins later, we thought that it was Jian Kia and wanted to tell him off and we saw that It was Chu Heng and Jacintha and they told us that they were back and could continue the game.
Sayang went out of the room and it was only left with Grayson and me. He siad that he was feeling very cold and he think that he maybe having fever. I touched his forehead and i said, you are really having a fever. We just carry on chatting and after that i went to the toilet.
After i came out, i went to sit on the bed and tie up my hair coz i was feeling very warm. Grayson was still laying on the bed and he turn over, face down and then, Jacintha and Chu Heng came in and Jacintha said, did we disturb you guys? I said, no and Chu Heng and Jacintha started making this hu ha that we did something in the room and those who were playing majong came in.
Grayson and i kept on saying that nothing happen and we were just chatting only. Chu Heng said, Tash you betray Vicky and the others were saying to Grayson that he will have to answer to Vicky. Chu Heng took out his phone and took and pic of me and Jacintha took a pic of Grayson.
I was like do whatever you want. I just dont know what else to say. Chu Heng was saying to Jacintha that he would pass the pics to her thru msn and Jacintha will tag it on facebook. Then we decided to continue with our game, Indian Poker and we saw that Grayson couldnt give out the card properly and couldnt even sit. He said that he know what he's doing but his body isnt functioning that way he wanted it to be. We told him to go and sleep first then later at 6am we will wake him up coz later at 8am he still have to go to work.
The four of us played another game called 5, 10 and i tell you throughout the whole game, i just didnt know how it works and Chu Heng sabo me and i felt the kick after that. When i knew i reached my limit, i told Chu Heng that i was out and the 3 of them played for another 3 rounds and after that we went to relax outside.
At about 6 plus, we started clearing up the place and at 7 plus, Chu Heng sent me, Jacintha and Sayang home. When i reached home, i went to have my shower and still can check my facebook and my emails and only sleep at 9am but woke up at 10;30am and that 90 mins of sleep, my dreams had Grayson in it. At 11 plus in the morning, i was out again.
BBQ was fun and i wish there was more of it and maybe in the future Wendy will make it again.
Thanks Wendy for the wonderful and awesome BBQ!