Sunday, November 11, 2007

One Special Day

Swee and Meleah playin' with the guiter.. I really wanna konw how to play the guiter..

It's Jackson's turn.. So nice of him to think of us and come down for cell group..
Can Swee do it?
Can Mark do it? It looks like it's gonna fall..

Nikki's had to do a four feat.. It's orange with tomato sauce.. Eww!
Oh no it looks like it's gonna drop
and yea it drop..
Swee with the guiter..
Me & Tzehui and can you guess who is that mystery person behind us?
Me & Tzehui again..

Oh, it's Nigel! Stolen snapshot.. hehe..
Oh, i love this pic.. Diana & me
Another stolen snapshot of Dennis.. hehe..
4 angels.. Diana, me Cicil & Swee
showing our butt.. hehe..
Cell group was fun.. Lucas bought for us pizza.. The pizza was soooo yummy with fellowship and playing games brought by Cicil.. Wow! Thank you Lucas for the pizza.. Thanks Cicil for the games..
Thanks God
for this day..
side view

Went to this bridge for my very 1st time.. Cant believe right.. Me too.. Been wanting to walk on this bridge coz i have seen this bridge on tv.. Now i got the chance..
Thank you God
For a chance..
You gotta watch this video..
Thanks Melzy for this video