Ash & me

Ash taking pic of me while I'm taking hers
Mel, Ash & me
It's Summer's Over
Arneez, the lead of Summer's Over

Sher, the drummer of Summer's Over

me & Tania
It's Caracal
It's Field.. He's sooo CUTE!
Sonia & me (she like a small person. so cute)
Ash from by definition
By definition packing
It's Dazz from SDF! Actually, this pic was nice but it's dark
Dazz & me (I miss him.. He's sooooo CUTE!)
He's so nice and i love chatting with him..
me & Masashi from Saw Loser
me & Matt from SDF
and I
So angry with LIME! They pushed back the performance time by 2 hours and i didn't get to watch SDF perform.. I came all the way to Sentosa to see them and this is what i get.. Yea, i did chat with them but seeing them perform will be awersome! Argh! I hate you LIME!
Make friends with Sher, Arneez and Tania.. Sher is a cool guy with tats and piercings.. Oh, i love it, especially those on this bodies.. Tania is like a laid-back person.. Love her and she is sooo tall.. Arneez is a nice person and he keeps on saying 'nabey'. It's so funny talking to him..
I'm now waiting to get some other pics of SDF and some other pics from Ash, Sonia and Mel's camera.. Videos will upload on my next blog.. Here having some probs..
Loads of love, hugs & kisses