Siew Koon, Deborah, Qing, Miss Lin, Karylan & Mandie

Deborah & me

Deborah, me, Kane & Qing

Kane & Deborah

Kane & Qing


Qing & Deborah

Qing & me

Samuel, Hong Poh, Avian, Vaan, Kane & Darren

After Presentation went over to Kane's place and i didnt think of overnighting and i did.. I wasnt that lucky this time coz my dad wasnt that happy and i got scolded from him the next day.
I really had fun from the time i steped into class till sunday morning. One of the unexpected thing that Qing did was she threw her boyfriend ring in the pool and it took us like 2 hours to find that ring and it was Qing who found it. She said, "If i could find the ring it means fate." I was like, "Huh? You do really believe in that?"
By the time we were out of the pool, it was already 3am. We went to shower while Kane made something for us to eat before we slept. Deborah, Qing and i slept in his room while Kane slept in the living room. Felt kinda bad that we occupy him room and he had to sleep in the living room.
The next morning, we woke up pretty early like around 7 plus but went back to sleep and finally woke up at 9 plus. Deborah's mum was calling so only brushed our teeth and left. We didnt even bother showering.
I reached home and thinking that i might get scolded form my dad from the time i reached home, but when i reached home, he wasnt at home and that made it even worse coz i had to wait till he come home and then i get scolded from him which is like 4 plus in the afternoon.
He was like saying, "Who is more important? Your friends or your studies? If you think its your friends, that you should just pack your things and move in with them, dont bother going to school anymore." I really wanted to go that time but i knew that i didnt want to bother my friends with me satying over at their place and be like free loader. So i just tahan and stay.
I knoew that if i stay, i dont have much time to spent with my friends, i cant come home late and i might not be able to overnight. My friends are my TOP priority and they mean the world to me. Its them who knows me bttere than i know myself. Its them who made me who i am today and its them who i feel loved, secure and save whenever im with them. I feel like myself and i can do whatever i want.