Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Why do most couples get married?
-They love each other
-They want to start a family
-They are right for each other

Why after marriage, they divorce?
-They have not feelings for each other
-They felt that they made the wrong choice
-They fight too much and so the best way is divorce

What happens to the kids?
-Some fight for custody
-They separate them
-They heck care

I have seen, heard this type of cases and that's why i fear of getting married.. It's not because i dont' want to leave my parents and stay by them all my life but it's because of all this cases that is happening even up till now.. Here are some cases which i feel i should let you know..
Case 1
This couple get married. Have kids. The husband doesn't love the wife but the wife loves the husband. They didn't divorce but the husband kept on saying that he made a wrong choice in the first place. He kept on saying that he shouldn't have married her and didn't know what he see in her at that time.

Everytime they fight, the husband blames her for all the wrong doings and the wife had no other choice but to defend herself. The wife never thought of divorcing the husband but ever thought of leaving the hosue.

As usual, the kids were innocent and didn't want the family to break up and they suffer a lot becasue this isn't the first time they see their parents fight.

Case 2
This couple get married. Have kids. After few years with the kids, they had lots of problems. The husband blames the wife for having kids. The wife blames the husband and they started fighting. In the end, they divorce.

The husband doesn't want the kids and so the kids stays with their mum. Since the kids are still young, their mum told them their father had passed away.

Case 3
This couple gets married. Have kids. The couple always fight and most of the time the kids are trying to stop the fight. The wife had enough of all this and she walked out on the family.

Years later, the wife returned and wants back the family. The husband couldn't forgive her but the kids are willing to forgive her.

Case 4
Ths couple gets married. No kids but still end up in divorce. Few years later, met each other again at some place and clear things up and patched up. Get married again but still end up in divorce.

Case 5
This couple gets married. Have kids. This couple end up in divorce but the couple fights for custody of the kids. Since they had two kids, one of the kid stays with the mum while the other stays with the dad.
I have never thought of myself getting married because i don't want any of these cases to happen to me. Yes, i do love kids but for the sake of getting married to have kids, that's not gonna happen to me.

For me, what is firstly important is:-

There must be a trust becasue if i can't trust you, then what the point of us being together. I must be able to trust you like how i trust my other girlfriends.

Firstly, you have to understand my problem before you do anything. Secondly, you have to understand what am i going through before you say anything.

Love is not about, I love you, you love me.. No, not like that. Love is VERY important to me. Once you break my heart, there's not second chance. Happiness is also important to me. Happiness is not only making me happy when i'm down but it's being with the one i love, holding each other hand tightly and not letting it go and out hearts beating as one. You must also be able to me smile whenever i see you or laugh to your jokes.

I know it's alot to ask for but at least i can find 2 out of 3, i glad with that.

Any comments, do leave on my tag board!
Hope you enjoy reading my blog!
God Bless All