When we arrived there, most of the guys were already there and already started playing poker. Aili brought us, girls up to her room and we sat there and chatted while waiting for the others to come. At around 7:30pm, Aili said, *Come lets have dinner*
We all went to the prata house and we had alot of fun there eating, chatting and even taking pictures. After dinner, Siew Koon, Vaan, Deborah and me went to buy liquior at Thomson Plaza, NTUC. We took quite a long time there and in the end the others came too.
After that, Annie, Pipit, Zhao Wen and me went back first coz we were walking in the front and when we turn around, we couldnt find the others so headed back first. Edward and Avian were at the house and waited for the others to come back.
When the others came back some of us decided to play poker while others decided to swim in the swimming pool. Kane has an awesome body and he wears Aili shorts and when hes in the pool, he just look soooo cute!!!
Some of them, couldnt stay longer, so they had to leave. I was watching Vaan, Darreen and Kane playing in the pool when Edward said that he had to leave. I actually, didnt want him to leave and he said *I was here ealier than you* I said, *Cant you like stay longer or maybe overnight?* He was like, *My dad coming to pick me up*
A few hours later, Vaan shouted saying that Edward won 4D and i went to her to see the number and she gave me the phone and the ticket and i was like looking at it and the number look different. I said *Vaan, did you see it properly?* She said that the other ticket was with Edward.
I went up to Aili room and i saw Avian SUPER high and he was laying on the matress with his phone music on. Darren was like listening to his own music and he gave me this drink and think i was cotton blue. I smelled it and it was SUPER strong and after taking 2 sips, i was very high.
Aili called Edward and put it on loudspeaker so that Darren and i could say hi to him. Edward said that he was coming over and most probably sneaking out in order to come. And he came!!!
We decided to shift our game from the living room to Aili room and some of us were playing blackjack. I was super high that i couldnt think and i asked Edward for help. Edward, was really a nice guy and indeed helpful. After playing for a few rounds, Vaan, Siew Koon and Deborah had to go and the remaining of us played In Between.
Playing In Between was pretty ok for me coz not only i didnt have to think much but also the high thingy were going off too.. I asked Edward for another drink and it was soooo sweet of him to get it for me. He is really a nice guy!!!
We also did take some pics and after the game, most of them went to bed. Edward, Zhao Wen, Hong Poh and i didnt sleep. Kane didnt want to sleep in the room so he sleep in the living room on the sofa instead. Hong Poh and Zhao Wen went on the swings while Edward and i were outside the house chatting and he was holing on to me sooo close that i felt that we were like a couple.
Edward also gave me a belated kiss on my right cheek and i really felt soooo close to him. At around 5 plus, Hong Poh and Zhao Wen decided to go to Prata House and have breakfast and they asked us first but we told them that we will come later.
Half an hour later, we decided to go and meet Hong Poh and Zhao Wen and we met them halfway and i was asking Hong Poh whether he could lend me some money fisrt and Hong Poh was sooo sweet and gave me money. Hong Poh also said that he was at the Prata House at 5:45am and when we met each other was 6:22am and what were Edward and i doing? I said that we didnt do anything and that we were only chatting.
Hong Poh didnt want to play gooseberry so Edward and i only went to 7-11 and only i bought a drink coz both of us werent hungry. We were back fast and before going into the house, i got a hug from him and i like it!!!
Hong Poh, Edward and i sat on the other sofa and chatted in the dark while Zhao Wen was at the swings alone lisening to her music. We chatted till 7:45am, Hong Poh went to join Zhao Wen at the swings while Edward and i remain at the balcony and spent some time together.
At around 8am, Edward was feeling a little hungry while i was a little tired so i went to the sofa and lay down and Edward came and join me and i lay on him instead. Laying on him was pretty nice and i one time i heard his heatbeat which was really nice. I love it soooo much that i wish that time would just stop there and not move on..
At 9am, i woke up.. Didnt really got a good sleep. Was jsut resting my eyes. Pipit, Edward, Zhao Wen and i left at 10am coz we had a noon class and i went to Pipit place to shower instead. Pipit place is really nice and her swimming pool is like you feel like jumping in..

Me, Edward & Darren

Me, Edward, Darren & Pipit

Darren kissing Edward and it look like i was also kissing him too

Me, Edward & Darren

Darren & Pipit

Me & Darren

Me & Pipit

Edward & Pipit

Me & Edward

This is pretty cute!!!


OMG!!!! Darren kissing Edward AGAIN!!!

Me & Pipit taken at her place