I actually, thought of going over to Pipit place to hang out with her but she had plans and i thought of wanting to hang out with Ai Li but she had her projcet plans too.
I was bored so i thought of going to Phoon Huat and luckily Jiali was free so she accomapnied me there. I wanted to see how the place look like and what are the stuff there sell there.
Was glad that i went there. I even had lunch with Jiali at a nearby coffee shop and we sat there chatting till 4 plus. Was really a great chatting time with Jiali. Later at right Hong Poh message me that class for 10 feb is starting at 9am and i couldnt believe it.
Message him back and we continued messaging and the best part i found out was that his project group who had Kane, Darren, Edward and including him was there at Ai Li place supposed to do project but swam at her pool instead and shocking part was that Edward took out his shirt and swam too and i wasnt there to see it. OMG!!!!!!
I told Hong Poh, how come he didnt invite me and he said that it will be pretty weird coz only their group memebers plus Ai Li group memebers were there and it would be weird for me plus they didnt had a place to do their project so they had last min plans to go Ai Li place..
I called Pipit up and told her about it and she was laughing throughout coz she knows that i like Edward and she also likes when i talk about Edward!!!! You should have really seen my expression when Hong Poh told me that!!!!
10 Feb 2009
Went for class and Hong Poh kept on teasting me and saying that if i wanted to see the photo i will have to pay $2 and only for a glance!!!! Thats like robbing me, haha!!! Ai Li also told me that she got special information and if i wanted to know about it, i will have to pay her $5 and i told her its like robbing the bank!!! haha!!!!
Throughout the whole day, they have been teasing me and i really had a good time in IS class!!!! Class ended early so Ai Li, Hong Poh, Kane and me went to West Mall and then we hang out outside the mrt station being crazy for awhile before going in and we sat down as the train keep passing and we did not board any. We kept on saying, Next one, next one but we didnt till we met Vaan, Dani and Zhao Wen and we boarded the train with them.
We sat in the last cabin and Vaan started singing and it was VERY funny and there was one guy in front of us and his expresion on his face looks like he thinks we are all crazy. Haha!!! I had fun!!!!
11 Feb 2009
I didnt want to go back so early so i waited for Ai Li and gang at the station. When they came, i was pretty shocked to see Edward too and i seriously thought that he was coming too. Since Kane wanted bubble tea so we waited for him and Edward asked me why i didnt want to go back and i told him that my home has problem and i didnt want to get involved in it.
I asked him if he was coming with us and he said that he cant coz he had to go elsewhere. We also me Bernice and friends there too and we chatted with them till Kane was done. After Kane was done, we left together with Edward but he didnt take the train with us.
Hong Poh, Ai Li, Kane and me went to Bishan coz Ai Li wanted to look for and job and they also wanted to accompined me as they know that i didnt want to go home yet. They are really such nice friends and i am really thankful for that.
12 Feb 2009
Nothing much really happen but i told Pipit what happen and she is always ever ready to listen to my stories and im glad i have a friend like her.
13 feb 2009
Ai Li and i were supposed to go Bugis but we change our minds and went to Kane house instead coz Deborah wanted to make cookies and so Ai Li, Siew Koon, Deborah and I went to Kane house. Edward was supposed to come but he changed his mind last minute.
Reached Kane house and Siew Koon and i couldnt believe that Kane room is a bomb shelter. Kane place has a really nice swimming pool which is as nice and Pipit place.
I really had fun at Kane place even though for a moment Kane saw that i was bored and he kept on saying that he was sorry that his house really got nothing to do but i didnt blame him at all and told him that it wasnt his fault and he needc not say sorry.
I felt that i really bonded alot with Ai Li and im glad that happen coz she and Pipit are my BEST friends and i didnt expect that i would make BEST friends in Shatec.
It was really an interesting, fun and bonded day for me and im am really thankful for all of this!
14 Feb 2009
Edward was late for class and i seriously thought that he wasnt coming for class. I really wanted to wish him Happy Valentine! Dani received Roses from her boyfriend. This man came into our class and was saying that he was sorry that he interupted our class and that he was looking for Kim and i was thinking, who is Kim and i say that Dani liftedup her hand and went to collect the roses.
WOW!!!! Her boyfriend is really DAMN good and sweet and romantic!!! Aww, Ai Li and i wish that we had a boyfriend like Dani!!!! We planed last minute that Ai Li, Pipit, Jiali, Felix and i will have lunch and that Jiali will introduced us a place to eat.
Jiali is really a DAMN excellent person coz she knows like the BEST places where they have great and awesome food in Singapore and me leaving in Singapore for 21 years have no idea about it.. How bad can i be huh????
I really had fun time with my friends and im already missing them!!! I cant wait to see them on Monday.
Thank you Lord for such a great week!!!!